RuckZuck Figures for 2016 ( a Package Manager for Windows) is alive and it becomes more and more popular... Let's present some figures for the Year 2016:

In 2016, the tools where downloaded 19'066 times from codeplex, in 2015 it was 1'549 times...

Totally 99'790 Software-Packages where downloaded and installed in 2016 with RuckZuck, compared to 28'927 Software-Packages in 2015.
74'232 installations where installed successfully and 1'956 reported a failure (in 2016). That's a failure ratio of 2.6%. Most of these failures are not reproducible and may base on corrupted/aborted downloads or geographic regions that are not allowed to access some of the Package-Sources. You may also discover that not every download reports a status and this comes (partially) from the Configuration Manager Plugin that only downloads Software but does not trigger an installation...

The Repository contains currently 446 active Products (in 2015 it was 384 Products). All of these Products will automatically tested to detect broken links or version changes.

There are currently 6'011 Software-Products that are certified an approved (compared to 3'050 in 2015). That means in 2016 we did ~3'000 changes in the Repository which is an average of 8 Packages/Day.

RuckZuck is using a Database with Product-Names and Versions to evaluate the latest Version of a Software and provide the corresponding Update. There are currently 84'068 different Product-Names and 123'031 Product-Versions in the Database (compared to 15'156 Product-Names and 20'907 Product-Versions in 2015 ).

All this is not happening automatically, so I would like to thanks to all the volunteers that are sending feedback and creating/updating packages in the repository, just to keep this tool alive...