RuckZuck Figures for 2017
2017 is over, it's time to summarize the figures for as I did for 2016 and 2015...
This year is not that easy to compare, as the database structure and Web-Service completely changed in August and September to support RZCache and "RZCache for" and to simplify the processes in the backend (there where some performance issues). In April17, the Project was moved from to GitHub.
On Codeplex, there where 4'375 downloads and on GitHub 11'143 which results in 15'518 downloads for 2017 which is 3'548 less than in 2016.
On the database side, there are currently 165'683 known Software-Products, where 20'406 are linked to a RuckZuck-Package. The Repository contains 478 Packages where 330 are updated in 2017 (it' seems there are a few Old-Timers). In Total: 3'135 packages updates where created which is an average of 8.5 per day.
!!! Thanks to all the volunteers that helped to keep the repository up to date. !!!
From Sept17, there where 79'901 downloaded Packages from the Repository where 76'325 reported succeess and only 537 failed. The ~4'000 downloads without a result may come from RuckZuck for ConfigMgr.
Let's see what happens in 2018...