RuckZuck Figures for 2020

It's time to recap what happened with in 2020...
(as for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 )


The public RuckZuck repository includes currently 575 Software-Products. If we also count the different Versions, we have 5'509 Packages in the Repository. There where 2'680 Packages created in 2020 which results in an average of 7.3 Packages per day...

Thanks to all the contributors who created or reported broken packages!

To compare and detect the latest versions of a product, there is a mapping table with 74'938 entries.


It's difficult to compare the usage counters with 2019 as we have only usage data from August to December in 2019...

Package Downloads: 1'1314'640 (2020) , 113'827 (2019), 1'428'467 (total)
Success installation: 1'249'616 (2020), 161'151 (2019), 1'410'767 (total)
Failed installations: 265'470 (2020), 117'770 (2019), 383'240 (total)

To get an overview of current customers (from the last 48h): RuckZuck Map

Top5 downloads in 2020:
20'570 Microsoft Azure Information Protection
20'252 Microsoft Azure Information Protection
20'019 Microsoft Azure Information Protection
19'621 VCRedist2019x64 14.27.29112.0
19'573 Microsoft Azure Information Protection

Top5 failures in 2020:
11'146 AdobeReader DC MUI 20.006.20042
9'608 VCRedist2019x64 14.27.29016.0
8'447 CutePDF Writer 4.0
8'291 VCRedist2019x86 14.25.28508.3
7'846 VCRedist2019x86 14.27.29016.0

A deeper analysis of all the failures indicates that these high numbers are coming from a small number of IP addresses. Also the most downloaded products indicates that most of the usage is generated from companies using RuckZuck and not from personal devices. 5% of all packages generates 75% of load ...

Please monitor your RuckZuck deployments. If a packages failed 10 times in series on a device, it will also fail the next 1000 times... Customers will become blacklisted if they only send failures without downloads and success installations...


The public repository is hosted on an Azure Web Application connected to an Azure Storage Account with Tables (Software mapping), Blob Storage (the Repository itself) and Queues (download counter). Azure Log Analytics is used for logging and a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is used to host some "special" packages, Icons and repository meta-data.

Thanks to the Sponsors , for covering the infrastructure costs !

Planned changes...

As the current Infrastructure does not scale very well on heavy load, it's planned to separate the REST API from the Web-Site. The REST API will be migrated to separated Azure Functions.

Future of RuckZuck

As in August 2020, the commercial version of RuckZuck was founded ( ROMAWO managed workplace ), there where a lot of questions if this has an impact on the Open-Source version of RuckZuck ... The short answer is NO , RuckZuck will continue and it will benefit from ROMAWO, as it's using the same code base.

But, if we see a massive increase of companies using RuckZuck without providing any value, we have to think about limiting the public service...

If you are using RuckZuck in a commercial environment, start providing value by supporting this project... It can be just feedback on issues , publish packages that needs an update (there are always packages to fix) or become a sponsor...

I am looking forward to an exciting year 2021