RuckZuck RuckZuck Figures 2022 the progress of in 2022... RepositoryThere where 2'440 Packages created or updated in 2022, which is an average of 6.7 Packages per day. There is a total of 617 Products in the Repository and 10'634 Packages in different versions. Usage2'794'395 packages were downloaded from the RuckZuck repository
RuckZuck RuckZuck Figures 2021 A short summary of the Ruckzuck figures of 2021... Repository There where 3'347 Packages created or updated in 2021, which is an average of 9 Packages per day. We have a total of 627 Products in the Repository and if we count also the different versions it's 8'279 Packages. Usage
RuckZuck RuckZuck backend-Services V2... The V2 Architecture will look like the following diagram: The V1 backend services of RuckZuck have used InMemory caching of Authentication tokens with the following side effect: lost tokens after a service restart scale-out to multiple instances of the web-services was not possible because the instances did not share the
RuckZuck RuckZuck Software Package Manager V1.0 Development of RuckZuck started one year ago on the 2nd Dec. 2014. Many things have changed from the initial Version to the current stable release V1.0... RuckZuck is using an own Software Repository, so first a few Figures on the Repository (3-Dec-2015): Total amount of certified and approved Software
RuckZuck RuckZuck for Configuration Manager V0.9.3.5 RuckZuck for Configuration Manager is an extension for System Center Configuration Manager 2012 to automatically create Applications, DeploymentTypes, Collections and Deployments in ConfigMgr based on Meta-Data from the RuckZuck Repository (~400 Software Products available). The required Files are downloaded from the Vendors Page and not from the RuckZuck repository. Changes
RuckZuck RuckZuck Provider for OneGet RuckZuck provides an extension (provider) for OneGet (part of WMF 5.0) to manage Packages from the RuckZuck- or other Repositories with PowerShell. As OneGet is part of Windows10, you just have to install the Provider. on older Operating Systems, you have to install OneGet (you can use the RuckZuck
RuckZuck Import RuckZuck Applications to Configuration Manager RuckZuck for Configuration Manager is a Solution to import Software from the RuckZuck repository into System Center Configuration Manager (2012 + CurrentBranch ). The created Applications do not require RuckZuck or any other tools as prerequisite and you can modify the installations scripts (PowerShell) to customize the installations. Be aware that importing